Our last day...boo hoo! I love Disney so much I am already thinking of our next trip. So is Mike, so it's ok! Dina had planned for us to have breakfast in Ohana with Lilo and Stitch at 7:00 so we were up bright and early. In fact so early, we had to wait outside the hotel for the buses to start running back and forth to the parks. Addison DID NOT like Lilo and Stitch, so we pretty much shoved breakfast down and bolted. The food was great, but she wasn't having it. Call it the early morning, call it the creepy blue alien that was 7 foot tall walking around. Whatever it was, she didn't like it. I got exactly one picture from the experience and I'm cool with it...
Then we headed back to Magic Kingdom which hadn't opened for the day, so we waited outside and watched the show they do each day before they open. It was cute and we saw some new characters we hadn't seen yet.
After your breakfast at Ohana we were at the gates of Magic Kingdom before the park was open and got to see the opening show that they do each morning.
Merida from Brave was hysterical. She loved Addison and Addison asked her about 10,000 questions...5,000 I'm pretty sure was "what's that?" To which she would reply "Hay" every time. We ended up video taping this conversation because we were rolling, Merida was rolling, Disney staff members were laughing and so were all the people waiting in line behind us.
Let's talk about the Be Our Guest restaurant for a minute. This is awesome! So you walk into the castle and you can eat in the grand ball room or the west wing. During the day the Beast is not there, but at dinner time he comes and greets the guests at the restaurant. This place is so hard to get in to that 6 months before our trip I tried to get reservations and was not successful. They don't take reservations for lunch though, but it's hard to get in during this time as well. They serve lunch from 10:30-2:30 and I was told that if we wanted a table we needed to get in line around 9. So you know what, I got in line. First person in line to be exact and I waited over an hour and a half to make sure we could eat lunch there and it was worth every second I waited. It was so neat and I loved it. From the grand ballroom the windows are animated and it looks like its snowing outside. It was one of my favorite places we ate on the trip.

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