Summer is always so much fun! It's especially fun this year because Addison is experiencing so many things for the first time and it's so much fun to watch the joy on her face as she is exploring and learning new, fun things. We've been pretty busy, but in the best way and I've been loving staying at home since I am on summer break. We are more than settled into our new home as well and are loving every second of it. The neighbors in our culda-sac have become some great friends to us and their kids have become great friends to Addison. I told Mike the other night that I love they are getting comfortable enough to start coming over to our house to hang out and see Addison. We've also been swimming a lot these past few weeks, and of course, visiting the zoo many times a week!
Addison has a new found love of laying in the grass...ah the joys of childhood! The airport is also close to our house so she's been watching the planes as she lays in the grass.

Addison also really loves her gymnastics class, which I plan to post about really soon. She's doing a great job with it!

These two pictures are why my sister deserves aunt of the year award! We went to the zoo where there is a splash park and Addison decided she wanted to try the water slide, so my sister took her clothes and all!

Nanny, Papa and Daddy have also been raising a small garden and we have been to check on it a couple times. It's started producing some pretty delicious squash and zucchini!

And since mommy is home for the summer I've started to tackle potty training...she's doing well, but I am not pushing too hard. I'm going to give her a couple weeks and then we will probably spend a couple days inside knocking that skill out :) The good news is...she has gone #1 and#2 in the potty! As long as she's reading (Fancy Nancy) she is distracted long enough to go potty!

Of course summer nights call for some chillin on the couch as well. They are two peas in a pod!

The pool right by our house is so much fun, too! We have a little fish on our hands! She jumps in to us (not from the little edge, but from "up top" and cries because she is too small to jump off the diving board). I am so glad she loves the water!

A future UK cheerleader right there!
We hope your summer is treating you as well as our is treating us!
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