I guess this is the last time I can say Addison is ____ months old. After July 8, I guess I have to start referring to her in years instead of months or I would just be a weird mom. I could seriously update you with things that Addison does that are funny/new everyday because it seems like she is changing and growing by the minute. I love it and I am really glad that I'm home from work right now so that I don't have to miss anything.
Addison can carry on a full conversation with you. She seems to always be concerned whether people are happy or ok. She also likes to ask you what you're doing for the day...like, "Hi Mamma...what you doin today?" It's very sweet.
She LOVES her gymnastics class and in fact we just signed her up for the second term which starts next week.
Addison loves the zoo, particularly the merecats. She always says, "They so tiny and cute."
She loves asking, "What's that?!" and "What's that sound?!"
She also loves watching the airplanes fly over the house, especially while laying in the grass.
Some of her favorite foods are cheese, steak, goldfish, breakfast sausage, watermelon and green beans. She also likes anything sour/vinegary especially cucumbers with vinegar on them.
She can't get enough lemonade.
Her favorite book is her bible which makes my heart skip a beat every time she asks to read it. She's pretty darn slick though because when she doesn't want to go to bed she asks to read Jesus (her bible) and who could tell her no. "No Addison, you can't read your bible." Mom of the year if we told her that. Addison-1 Mommy and Daddy-0. But seriously, she loves to read and learn about Jesus, which has been my prayer for her from the start. I hope she continues to seek God and be interested in him.
She also loves saying prayers at dinner every night. Mike has started asking her who she would like to pray for and we have even been encouraging her to say prayers. She does a GREAT job...they normally go something like this:
"Dear God, thank you for the day. Amen"
I melt every single time she says them.
One of her favorite things to do is watch a movie while laying in mommy and daddy's bed. It's usually Frozen or Cinderella because they are her FAVORITES!
She also likes to watch Doc McStuffin, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Daniel Tiger.
Addison is a little fish.I think we might have to start her in swim lessons soon because her fear of the water is nonexistent, which scares me to death. She also loves swimming and will float on her back and put her face in the water. She would be completely happy to swim all day everyday.
Addison is a very friendly, happy, funny, sweet, caring little girl. She loves meeting new people and loves talk to them.
She also likes riding bikes with Mike and I now that she's got a helmet that fits her.
Addy also loves anything minnie-mouse or mermaids. In a couple weeks she chose to have a mermaid party, which I have had so much fun planning.
We've also hit a pretty trying stage, which is the stage of ,"NO!" Everything we tell her to do is, "No." or she just ignores you. She's also been hitting Mike and I when she doesn't get her way. We've been sitting in time out a lot, which is frustrating to me, but I know it comes with being two. I just hope that I can keep my cool and teach her the right way to act. If anyone would like to donate a bottle of wine to my sanity, it would be greatly appreciated ;) But seriously, Addison is amazing. I love spending time with her because she is just so incredibly fun and sweet. She is such an angel girl.
So, here's to the last update with "months" as the title. In two weeks I will officially have a two year old little girl. Babies don't keep, friends!

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