Instead of the regular month to month update that I normally do, this month I wanted the update the be a little different. Addison is now 19 months old, on the go, talking up a storm and is completely hilarious! I'm telling you this girl has a personality that is larger than life. I tell people all the time that I should write a book about the funny things that she says or does because I am scared I'll forget them, so that's what I am doing in this post. This month's update is a recap of some of the funny, funny things that she's said or done that have had her daddy, myself and many others in stitches!
We recently got our house up on the market to sell. Well actually, it was on the market, then sold in a week, but that's another story. While we were getting things ready around the house to list it, my mother in law helped us paint our master bath. Actually, she did so much more, but while she was painting she had drop cloths, paint buckets and other supplies in our bathroom. Addison went into the bathroom, looked at me and said, "Shew! Mess!" I told her that her nanny was painting, etc. etc. She just looked at me, turned and walked to the stairs and yelled to my mother-in-law (who was downstairs rinsing paint brushes) "NANNY!!!!!!! FIX YO MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
This winter we took Addison and Olivia to the Galt House to see the Christmas Decorations. Of course when you're done touring they spit you out right in the gift shop so you feel obligated to buy something. Rachel was carrying Addison around the gift shop and they were just browsing when Addison found something that struck her fancy. She looked at Rachel and said, "I do, this!" (which means I want this) Rachel told her that we weren't getting anything and my quick witted daughter looked at her very seriously and said, "Chi Chi, I got cash!" Lord help us when she gets older!
We are teaching Addison to share, so that is a word that is in our daily conversations. A few weeks ago she grabbed Mike's wallet and went running through the living room. When Mike tried to take it from her she yelled, "DADDY! SHARE!" (I love that one!)

I was getting ready in our bathroom one morning and Addison was playing back and forth between our room and her room. All of sudden she came flying by the bathroom door with her arms out yelling, "SUPER ADDY!!!"

My youngest sister is in college to become a teacher and has recently started some observation hours at an elementary school close to where I grew up. She has to get up fairly early so she is at school when the kids get there,so one morning she was getting ready and Addison was asleep in another room because she had stayed the night. Madison said heard her stirring around but she didn't go get her because it was so early in the morning. After a few minutes Addison yelled to her, "Boo Boo! It's me, Addy!" Needless to say my parents and my sister bust out laughing and got her out of the bed to play.

Our dog barks nonstop. In fact I've told my husband I'm not opposed to letting her find a new home when we move to our new house. I'm kidding, but seriously she doesn't stop. One afternoon she was on a roll with the barking and I suppose Addison had had all she could take because all of a sudden she put her toy down and yelled as loud as she could, "PUUNNNKKKIIINNNN!!!! HUSH!" I couldn't agree with her more!

Addison has recently hit a height where she can reach the door handles (pray for us) and ours are the ones you pull down instead of twisting, so they are a perfect new toy. The first night she learned she could reach them I had locked the front door and she was pulling the handle over and over. I would look at her and say, "Addy, stop," but she would do it again, then double over laughing and say, "It so funny!" (yes, it, not it's) Her little accent on words is what makes half of what she says so darn hilarious!
Addy is in love with the show Yo Gabba Gabba. I personally think the people who wrote the show did drugs, but I can see where it's entertaining. Anyway, there is a song that you have to hold still for then you wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. Addison goes around singing it at the top of her lungs, then she runs in place as fast as she can. I will have to post a video of her doing it because it's hilarious.
When Passie is missing she will walk from room to room yelling, "Oh passie, where are you?!" She sure does love her passie!
I'm telling you, this little lady of ours is hysterical! I can't tell you enough how much she lights up our world. She is a funny, funny girl!
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