Addison, do you remember when you were small enough to fit inside your daddy's hand? Do you remember when we had to go out and buy you premie clothes because your newborn onsies were too big? Do you remember those premie clothes swallowing you, too?
Addison, do you remember when we had to buy an extra head support for your car seat because your head was too small to be supported with the factory one? Do you remember when your newborn sized diapers were so big that there was a gap in the front if them?
Addison, do you remember when daddy and mommy had to go out and buy you new passies because the ones we had covered up your little nose? Do you remember when we had to get you slower flowing bottles because your little mouth was too small for the Dr. Brown bottles we originally bought you?
Addison, do you remember when we looked at our first family picture we almost couldn't see you in daddy's arms because you were so small? Do you remember when Pumpkin made 2 of you?
Addison, do you remember the night we went to bible study and there was another baby there and for the first time mommy thought you were the big baby? Do you remember that it actually took mommy's breath away when she realized your not that little baby anymore? Do you remember how she squeezed you tight and hugged you close in that moment because it hit her that you are growing up and you're doing it way too fast? You probably don't remember that lump in mommy's throat in that moment either.
Seriously, where does the time go? You are so much fun right now and your little personality is developing daily. You now sit in your exersaucer, wear some 3-6 month clothes, eat 8 ounces in the morning, wear size one diapers and when mommy holds you your little body stretches all across her belly now. It seems like just yesterday you were my 5 pound newborn baby and I turn around and you're three months old. I love you in this stage as much as I did the previous one, but I want to remember every single detail and I will not look back and wish I had done something different when it comes to spending time with you. Father Time makes you grow up too fast. Before I know it you'll be going to kindergarten, prom then college. And one day I'll wake up and you'll be grown. I do not take any second for granted because time goes way too quickly. So my little baby, I will cuddle, play, hug, talk and do whatever I can with you because this crazy thing called life passes by WAY too quickly!
life updates and Little Mermaid giveaway winner
11 years ago
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