Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Fall Travels

I guess it's technically just the first day of fall today, but when school starts I automatically start to think it's fall...the Cooler weather, boots, pumpkins and pumpkin spice lattes (ahhhhh!) we've been pretty busy lately so I fugred I would catch you up on life.
This sweet lady has been super busy visiting family, going to school and doing anything else fun in between...

We've been having lots of playdates with Olivia

And her daddy biked over 100 miles going to Bardstown and back a couple weekends ago on the My Old Kentucky home tour. He was so fast the first day that by te time I could get Addison up and ready he was almost to the finish line for the day. Mike did so well and we are proud of him for acomplishing his first BIG ride!

In between days that Mike ride his bike we went to visit his Grandma (Lois Ann) and we stayed the night at her house. She even took us to this really good Italian restaurant t in Lebanon where she lives.

Addison loved the bench outside her house :)

And Addison has also decided that she wants to go to church with us now instead of staying with nanny while we go. I think she's in it for the snack she gets during communion :/

This filthy dirty child has also thoroughly enjoyed her trips to the park where she's been playing in the sand

All the running has been exhausting and we've stopped now and then to take a break and watch a little tv...binoculars required

We are really excited because we are also preparing for our trip to Disney in a couple weeks. Last week in the mail out magic bands arrived as well as all of the paperwork from our travel agent. She even gave addy an Ariel book...she was so great to work with. Details on how to find her when planning a trip are forthcoming!!

And even though it's been cold around Louisville we enjoyed a trip to the zoo where addy loved feeding the parrots!

I think she about lost it though when she was watching this brown bear play and all of a sudden he jumped in the window..she was GONE!

Addison and Olivia enjoyed their first caramel apple of the season

And we are soaking up every it of outside time possible. Addison took me literally when I told her we needed to cover her head up so she didn't get an earache.
We even went to night racing at Churchill downs which Addison LOVED! She would say," Go horsey like the wind!" 
We've been having lots of fun lately and if you guys are like me...fall is the best time of year and I can't wait to get out and take my family to do everything fall related!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Someone pinch me

Today marks one week since Mike and I have given our baby a shot. I can't believe that. If you've followed our story from the beginning, then you know Addison was sick when she was about 7 months old and after some testing, the doctors discovered what was making her sick and told us Addison was going to be just fine with some medicine. The only problem was that this medicine was only available through a shot. At first that shot made me so angry. I didn't understand why my baby was going to have to have a shot every day, but after starting the shot I was able to see how much my little angel benefitted from the shot. I am not saying that giving her the shot was easy by any means, but let's be honest, I'm no nurse, but was giving a shot. And the shot was to my baby who was screaming, scared and didn't understand why mommy and daddy were doing this. We continued to talk about the shot and explained to her that without it she would get very sick. Each night after the shot we would say,  "Thank you Mr. Shot for making me healthy! Bye!" and that seemed to help a little bit, but after a while she was sick and tired of getting a daily dose. Can you blame her? I was sick of giving it to her, so I can only imagine how tired of it she was. The deal with the shot was that she had to have it daily until she was at least 2 because the way her body would break down proteins would be different once she turned 2. After her second birthday she became eligible for a shot that is given monthly. Could there be any better news? YES! This shot is not allowed to be given by people (aka parents and caretakers) who are not in the medical profession. That meant no more shots given by mommy and daddy! It get's even better. I thought we would take Addison to the doctor monthly and they would do it there (which was fine), but her doctor set up a home health nurse that comes right to our house. So she came last week, gave Addy her shot and we celebrated with ice cream afterwards that "Mr. Shot" was gone. I can't tell you how happy that made our little girl. She kept telling everyone that she had good news and would then tell them her shot was gone. She has also corrected me when I say WE have good news to someone. She says, "Mommy that's my good news." Yes, baby girl, it sure is! Addison is surely the bravest little girl I know and I am so proud to call her my child. She has handled this situation like a pro and just when I think I couldn't be prouder of her, she proves me wrong. I am so happy for her that she no longer has to have a shot each night before bedtime. We have loved saying, "Guess what Addison?! NO SHOT!!" To which she replies, "NO SHOT!!!!!!" Thank you Jesus for medicine that not only keeps my baby girl healthy, but happy and running around like every other two year old. We are blessed for sure!

Baby curls

Well I did it. I had Addison's hair trimmed for the first time a couple weeks ago when I went home to gt my hair done. See, I still drive to my hometown to get my hair done because I am so, so picky about my hair and our neighbor, Jeannie, is the best. I had been looking at Addy's hair in the back and noticed it might be time to get a little trim, so after finishing with my cut and color, I asked her if she wanted Mrs. Jeannie to cut her hair too. She was very interested, so we did it. Jeannie made two tiny little cuts just to even the back up and Addison was on cloud 9. She said, "Look at me Mommy. I'm beautiful!" Like her mommy didn't already know that! ;)

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