Evelyn is 10 months old now and growing like a weed. She's been working on 3 teeth at once (both top teeth and the other bottom tooth) so she's been pretty miserable these past few days. She is crawling everywhere and is started to show signs of standing up. She will sit up tall on her knees and stand up pretty steady when someone is holding her up. We say that whatever Addison does, it's "monkey see, monkey do" for Evelyn. She just adores Addison and thinks she is the funniest person in the world! Evelyn loves to be outside. She likes her swing, taking walks, going to the creek and dipping her toes in and playing bubbles. She was a tiny bit scared of bubbles but now she loves them. Evelyn also LOVES dogs. We've been visiting the Humane Society about once a week looking for a dog for our family. Every time that we visit the shelter Evelyn laughs at the dogs the entire time. Everything they do is funny to her! She loves all food, too. She's getting to the point where she hates baby food and will actually gag if I try to feed it to her. I've just started giving her most everything we eat that she can chew safely. Evelyn is a wonderful, cuddly, silly, sweet, persistent little lady and we just love her to pieces!

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