I feel bad that I am just writing this post, as Evelyn will be eight months in a couple of weeks, but none-the-less, here is her 7 month update.
Evelyn LOVES to play with toys. Her favorite toy is a little dump truck that has three balls to put in the back of the truck. She sits in the living room floor everyday and plays with that toy.
Evelyn loves bath time but now she is starting to want to sit up in the bathtub instead of lay back on her baby tub. She particularly loves to kick her feet down in the water and make a splash.
She cackles. Literally. And it is hilarious!
Evelyn ate small chunks of avocado this month and did so well with the small pieces of food.
She has started sleeping a little bit better at night, but still wakes up once a night for a bottle.
Evelyn likes to play with her hair when she is falling asleep. She also likes to hold my hand when she's going to bed.
She rolls all over the place. The other day I sat her down in the floor so I could go to the bathroom and when I came back she had rolled herself to the other side of the room.
Evelyn LOVES to dance. She will dance on command if you ask her to. She loves music, too!
She says two words now, Da-Da and Ba-Ba. Sometimes I think I catch her trying to say, "Hey!" but I'm not sure that's what she's saying.
As Addison says, "We love our Mushy," and she continues to make our lives wonderful!

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