The littlest lady in the house is now 5 months old. Her personality continues to be so incredibly sweet and easy going. She is happy all the time...well except when she wants her bottle and you don't get it quick enough. I can't believe how quickly she seems to be doing things. I feel like it's flying by with her. Maybe because with Addison she was our first and we weren't as busy. With Evelyn it feels like we are always on the go and the days fly by so quickly! Here are some stats on Ev-
She loves Winnie the Pooh, her big sister, reading books (especially Peek a Who and Snuggle Puppy), looking at Christmas lights, music, getting water squeezed on her tummy from the rag during bathtime, cuddles, and toy that crinkles.
She has eaten green beans, peas, carrots, squash and sweet potatoes. Squash is by far her favorite.
She is wearing size 3 diapers, 9 month sleepers if they are fleece, 12 month sleepers if they are cotton, and mostly 12 month clothing.
She went to the doctor for a cough that she's bee having and she weighed 18 pounds and 13 ounces. That puts her in the 93rd percentile for weight. She's a growing baby girl!

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