Sunday, January 22, 2017

Happy 1/2 Birthday!

On January 17 we celebrated Evelyn's 1/2 birthday. I feel like I say this every month, but how is she already 6 months old?! This past month has been a game changer! She grew so much and is doing so many more things now. She can roll from her back to her stomach and from her stomach to her back. She consistently rolls over her left shoulder and hasn't done it on her right side yet, but she's rolling. She will also use her legs to push herself when she's on her stomach. She's at the point where I will lay her down and a minute later she will be a few feet from where she started. I best get ready because she's gonna be crawling soon!

At her checkup last week Evelyn was 26.5 inches long (the 71st percentile for height) and weighed 18 pounds and 13 ounces (88th percentile for weight). Her head circumference was in the 55th percentile. She's still wearing size 3 diapers and 9-12 month clothing.

Evelyn also reaches for everything with her left hand. Addison did the same thing when she was a baby but eventually switched to her right hand as her dominant hand,  Evelyn is still working mostly with her left hand, so maybe I'll get my left-handed baby after all!

She says Da-Da all day, every day. I was so convinced that since I am home with her that she was going to say Ma-Ma first. I even worked with her on it, but nope, Da-Da it was. In fact right now she's trying to go down for a nap and I can hear her saying Da-Da over the monitor. I tell Mike it's because the D sound is easier to say than the M sound, but really it's just because I'm jealous that both girls said Da-Da first. :)

Evelyn loves the foods we've given her. She eats two packs of food every day right now-one for lunch and one for dinner. She hasn't turned down a vegetable yet, but I would say if there is one she's not a huge fan of, it's green beans. She really loves squash and the apple/mango mix.

Evelyn loves her big sister more than anyone! I tell Addison that she's her favorite person in the world. She just lights up when Addison is near her. My favorite part of my day is when we go to pick Addison up from preschool. On the way to school Evelyn doesn't jabber much, but plays with her toys, but when Addison gets in the car she will squeal and jabber-talk to her the whole way home. Addison is just as eat up with Evelyn as Evelyn is with her!

Evelyn has had a few nights where she's slept all night, but she isn't consistent with it. We told her the other day that we aren't wishing her life away, but we will be glad when she gets to the point of sleeping all night.

She even has her first tooth that has poked through her gums. Believe it or not, it's not one of the two bottom teeth that babies usually cut first, it's one of her top K9 teeth. Yes, we have a baby Dracula in our house! I swear she's going to be one of those kids whose pain tolerance is out with roof. She cut that tooth and never fussed. I told Mike that when she gets older and tells us something hurts we better run to the doctor because if she complains something is bad wrong!

She continues to love bath time, her swing, books, being held, and being sung to. Since Christmas she's been playing her with her new toys and she loves her bouncer, her swing and Winnie-the-Pooh. Oh goodness, she loves Pooh Bear! I can't wait until March when she will meet him at Disney! She's also a fan of the Lillie carrier I got for Christmas from my parents. I can hold her but still have both hands free to get things done and she's a happy camper in it!

She's also gotten a lot better with the car seat. She used to scream from point A to point B and I'd either be ready to lose my mind or cry when we reached our destination, but something got better for her and she's as happy as can be now in the car! Hallelujah!

Happy 1/2 birthday, sweet baby girl. You are loved more than you'll ever know!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Family pictures from the fall

For Christmas we had some pictures take of Addison, Evelyn and our niece, Olivia. My MIL has been wanting a good picture of the three of them to hang in her house, so it was a perfect gift for her. We took that time with the photographer to get some family pictures of us as well. These were the finished product. 

P.S. I am surprised there is one good one of the three of them because the entire time we were taking pictures Evelyn was ready for a nap and Addison and Olivia were either fighting with one another or throwing rocks in the air. That is one good photographer!

Evelyn 5 months

The littlest lady in the house is now 5 months old. Her personality continues to be so incredibly sweet and easy going. She is happy all the time...well except when she wants her bottle and you don't get it quick enough. I can't believe how quickly she seems to be doing things. I feel like it's flying by with her. Maybe because with Addison she was our first and we weren't as busy. With Evelyn it feels like we are always on the go and the days fly by so quickly! Here are some stats on Ev-

She loves Winnie the Pooh, her big sister, reading books (especially Peek a Who and Snuggle Puppy), looking at Christmas lights, music, getting water squeezed on her tummy from the rag during bathtime, cuddles, and toy that crinkles.

She has eaten green beans, peas, carrots, squash and sweet potatoes. Squash is by far her favorite.

She is wearing size 3 diapers, 9 month sleepers if they are fleece, 12 month sleepers if they are cotton, and mostly 12 month clothing.

She went to the doctor for a cough that she's bee having and she weighed 18 pounds and 13 ounces. That puts her in the 93rd percentile for weight. She's a growing baby girl!

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