October 17, 2016
I can't believe that Evelyn is now three months old. I feel like she's growing each time I blink and I can't imagine our family without this little ray of sunshine. I've been told time and time again that she is the sweetest, easiest going baby and I completely agree. I would have 10 more babies if I knew they would all be as mild mannered as she is. I'm kidding about the 10 more babies-but seriously. Here are some things Evelyn is loving these days:
-Loves being outdoors
-She loves when we sing You Are My Sunshine to her
-She loves the sound of whistling
-She loves playing with her passie, but not sucking on it
- She likes to be held over your shoulder or faceing ourward so she can see what's going on
-She loves Halloween lights- wait until Christmas, I'm gonna rock her world!
-Evelyn loves to talk and she smiles nonstop
-She also loves to plays with play mat and she especially loves the part of the toy where she an see herself in the mirror
Evelyn is now wearing mostly 6-9 month clothing. We thought we were going to be able to reuse a lot of the clothes I'd saved back from Addison, but this girl is growing so fast that I'm not sure the seasons will line up much longer.
Evelyn is wearing size one diapers, although we are going to move to size 2 shortly.
She eats around 6 oz per feeding, which is about every 3 hours during the day. She's sleeping great at night with stretches from 8-3:30 and then again from 4:00-6:30 or 7.
This month she found her hands and tongue.
Evelyn has the most sensitive gag reflexes. I think that's why she doesn't like her passie very much.
She is starting to recognize her name and will turn her head when she hears you say it.
She hates riding in the car, so pray for her momma!
She loves her big sister!
Evelyn loves to talk and carry on a conversation. She grabbers all the time!
We love this little ball of joy and we love watching her grow!

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