I can't believe you're three. How does time pass by that quickly?! When I watch you growing up, my heart bursts with pride at the person you are becoming. I'm amazed at your kindness, your patience, your intellect, your ability to make new friends in a split second, your braveness, your perseverance and your all around zest for life. I love you, sweet baby girl, and I'm so incredibly proud of you.
When I took you for your three year check up, Doctor Poznansky was also amazed at you. He said the way you communicate your thoughts and feelings is far beyond your age level. In fact he said you act like a 4 year old instead on a little girl who just turned three. At your check up you weighed 27.6 pounds and were 35.5 inches tall. Your percentiles still hover in the teens, but you are growing consistently.
Here are some fun facts about you:
A child your age works puzzles with 3-5 pieces, you're working 25 piece puzzles.
You love to put on a show- and boy are you funny!
You love all things princess, ice cream from Sweet Frog, riding with the windows rolled down, working puzzles, the Fozen soundtrack, barbies and bubble baths.
You're favorite books are I'm Gonna Like Me by Jamie Lee Curtis, Not all Princesses Dress In Pink, any Fancy Nancy book and The Lorax by Dr. Seuss.
When you wake up in the morning you want to put on a princess dress right away.
You love to watch Danial Tiger on PBS kids.
Your favorite food is broccoli...and ice cream!
You are a fish! This summer you will barely let daddy or me hold you in the pool. You like to go under by yourself and pretend you're a mermaid. Because of this, you've started swim lessons.
You are fully potty trained although you have a couple accidents at night every now and then.
You say the funniest things... Here are a few I remember:
"Mom I need to use your yoga mat so I can do my yogas."
"I still want to take gymnastics because that's how I do my workouts."
When you don't get your way you say," Ahhhh shooooot!" With a country accent.
One day while we were watching Mickey Mouse you said, " A talking dog!! This show is crazy, Mom. Dogs don't talk in real life!"
As you can tell, mommy and daddy think you hung the moon and stars and we love spending time with you. You are one amazing little girl!
Here's how we spent your third birthday:
You came down for a morning of bug camp which you signed up to do with Tate. We had you a special birthday breakfast with doughnuts, balloons, candles and your presents. You wanted a build a bear wardrobe and suit case. We also bought you a mermaid tail.

In the afternoon we went to the Disney store and then to chuck-e-cheese where we had pizza, cake and played games.

It was a great third birthday for you!!
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