Monday, September 26, 2016

A fun filled weekend

Addison was out of school on Friday, so we took advantage of the extra day off by having a play date with two other little girls in her classroom, Adara and Matoki. 
On Saturday it was "Mommy and Addy date day." We started by going to see a play at StageOne actor's theatre that was based on the book Click Clack Moo. Addison and I loved the performance! Afterward, we got something to eat downtown and went to the walking bridge for ice cream. I love having these special days with just Addison. She is such a fun, sweet, animated, loving little girl and I have a blast with her!

On Sunday, we started the day slow because Mike was working, but then we drove to Georgetown so that my Papaw could meet Evelyn. He's been sick and in and out of the hospital, so we want to lift his spirits by visiting him. After our visit we went to Evan's Orchard to pick apples and pumpkins. It was a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

An Addy update

I haven't done an update on just Addison in a while, so this one is for her. Addison is four now and is loaded with personality. She is so funny, witty, smart and outgoing. The child never meets a stranger and she has the ability to make everyone she knows feel welcome. She's gonna be that person that you just meet but feel like you've know your whole life. Addison just has a zest for life that's contagious. Mike always says she really knows how to enjoy every minute and really love life. She is the best big sister to Evelyn. I'll admit I was a little nervous how she would react when I was pregnant with Evelyn because we waited four years to add another child to our family. That's a long time to be an only child, but she never skipped a beat and they way she interacts with Ev makes me love her even more. She says the sweetest things to Evelyn and is so proud of her. She's also a very caring person. Her new thing as of late is that she hates when people throw their trash on the ground, so whenever she sees trash we have to pick it up and throw it in the trash can. 

Here are some other stats on my sweet, oldest baby girl-

Loves Legos, art, all things Disney and books, books and more books. She loves Disney so much, she created a book with her drawings of her favorite parts of Magic Kingdom...

She read her first chapter book (Junie B. Jones is  NOT a Crook)

She knows all her letters and numbers through 10 and know most of her letter sounds

Work equations on computer using pennies

Loves to learn about human body

She loves to write and create her own books

She says when she gets older she is marrying Cameron

Best friends at school are Matoki and Adara although she plays with everyone and has a great time.

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