Evelyn is growing leaps and bounds and is doing great. I actually forgot how much I like being pregnant. It truly is a miracle! We have been busy preparing for her arrival by painting her room, washing Addison's crib bedding that will now be Evelyn's, and washing newborn clothes. Addison couldn't be more excited to become a big sister. In fact, at school she cries when I leave because she doesn't get to spend time with her sister. She talks to her constantly, hugs and kisses my stomach and tells us that she is going to be the biggest help to her family. It is kind of funny that she is already starting with the sibling quarreling. The other night while I was cooking Addison was coloring at the kitchen table. All at once she screamed, "Mom! Evelyn just threw a crayon at me!" Oh really? She did...that's pretty impressive. We laughed but my first thought was, "And so it begins!" Addison is constantly drawing pictures of her holding Evelyn, which is so sweet. This one is my favorite...
Evelyn is currently about the size of a butternut squash. This time around I feel like I've gotten bigger, quicker. I feel pretty good, but am not sleeping as well and have had some trouble with my siatic nerve. It's all worth it though! Evelyn kicks a little more now but she is still a calm little girl. I call her the big chill. She seems to get annoyed when I cross my arms on my stomach and will kick at my arms if they are resting on my stomach. She always kicks between 3:00-3:30 in the morning and then again at 7:00 am. If that is going to be her schedule when she gets here, then that's not too bad!
I haven't craved anything too crazy yet, although one night chicken fried rice sounded delicious. I normally don't even eat chicken fried rice, so I would say that has been my craziest craving yet. Mike on the other hand has had some pretty crazy cravings...Ho-Ho's and ice cream sandwiches. Who is the pregnant one here?!
We sure are excited about meeting Evelyn and can't wait until she gets here!

Big sister loves her baby sister already
Evelyn at 16 weeks
Evelyn at 20 weeks
Evelyn at her 20 week appointment. Everything looks great with her. She is growing and developing just as she should be. It's very hard to get a good picture of her when we go for the ultrasounds because she likes to lay facing my spine. The tech was able to get her to turn but then she laid her hands over her face. Maybe she's a shy little lady...

21 weeks

22 weeks

24 weeks...Addison can't get enough of Evelyn. She cried at school last week because I had to leave, which meant Evelyn had to leave. It's very sweet and funny at the same time. She loves kissing my stomach and talking to her sister.