Valentine's Day. I know a lot of people don't like Valentine's Day, but I do! It's special because it's the day that Mike asked for my hand in marriage and also the day that we found out that baby Fogle was going to by a little girl. I really enjoy the holiday. It's gives me a reason to be cheesy and it's ok because everyone else is doing it too. Mike and I had a fun night out on the town this valentine's. We went to one of my favorite restaurants in Lexington, Asuka. It's a habatchi grill, and it's delicious! Addison had a pretty fun day as well. She woke up at fault...oops and immediately saw her valentine's gift when she came downstairs. This resulted in her begging for chocolate at 6:30 am. Mike was strong in telling her now, I caved. She also got to go the movies with her Mimi and Papaw while Mike and I went out to dinner. Around the Fogle house, we love Valentine's Day!!
This year Addison made two homemade valentine's. One for her best bud/cousin, Olivia, and one for her Daddy.

Baby girl scored some new books and a couple pieces of candy from her valentine's this year. One of the books has stickers inside...her new favorite!

I'm spoiled! Flowers for me!
The picture below is the result of a mommy accidentally waking her baby, the baby seeing chocolate and then getting her way when asking for it at 6 in the morning. Only on Valentine's Day!
Addison giving her Valentine lots of "kissies."
5 years ago I became a lucky,lucky lady when my hubby proposed to me. One reason we love to celebrate Valentine's in our home!
My little love bug and smallest valentine. She refuses to look at the camera or sit still anymore when I take pictures, so this is the best I could do for ya.